
Thursday, March 13, 2014

When You See Me

When you see me with my kids and their clothes are on backwards with shoes on the wrong feet, I hope you think She's fostering independence.

When you see me and my kitchen table is gouged and stained with the paint of a thousand art projects, I hope you think She's encouraging creativity.

When you see me in the grocery store struggling with crying children while I make my way down every aisle, I hope you think She's modeling real life.

When you see me and my house, with toys scattered across the floor and paper and crayon decorations where tasteful interior decorating should be, I hope you think She's allowing imagination to blossom.

When you see me at the library and my kids are running away from me, fighting over putting books in the book drop, and screaming in delight, I hope you think, She's building literacy.

When you see me on an airplane, and all three of my kids are pushing buttons, ripping magazines, or crying, I hope you think She's maintaining important family connections.

When you see me disciplining one of my children, I hope you think She's teaching accountability, even if you disagree with my methods.

When you see me in yoga pants, again, I hope you think, She knows her needs.

When you see me at the park, reading a book instead of following my children around the play equipment, I hope you think, She'll pass on a love of literature.

When you see me without makeup, I hope you think, She's showing her daughter how to be comfortable in her own skin, instead of hinting that I look tired.

When you see me out and about, possibly looking harried or bedraggled, kids hanging off my legs and arms, I hope you think, She's doing her best.

When you see me, I hope you actually see ME.

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